In this online course curriculum you will begin training using a powerful guitar playing exercise technique that doesn’t even require a guitar
Please watch the video below.
In this online course curriculum you will begin training using a powerful guitar playing exercise technique that doesn’t even require a guitar
Please watch the video below.
This online course curriculum will teach the basics of reading chord diagrams so you can get a head start on learning 1000s songs
Please watch the video below.
Once the video is completed, simply click the continue button at the bottom of the page to view the next section.
NOTE: The “Next Lesson” material mentioned at the end of the video will be introduced by your teacher in a future class.
This online course curriculum will teach the basics of reading guitar TAB so you can decipher all those crazy guitar video codes
Please watch the video below.
Once the video is completed, simply click the continue button at the bottom of the page to view the next section.
NOTE: The “Next Lesson” material mentioned at the end of the video will be introduced by your teacher in a future class.
This online course curriculum will offers a brief explanation of how to hold the guitar for the most effective progress and efficient playing as the journey begins.
Please watch the videos below.
Once the video is completed, simply click the continue button at the bottom of the page to view the next section.
This online course curriculum will offers a brief explanation of how to hold the guitar for the most effective progress and efficient playing as the journey begins.
Please watch the video below.
Once the video is completed, simply click the continue button at the bottom of the page to view the next section.
This online course curriculum will begin preparing you with important information before attending guitar classes.
Please watch the video below to get started.
Once the video is completed, simply click the continue button at the bottom of the page to view the next section.
Goals for this Pre-Training
This online course curriculum will begin teaching you how and why music works.
This course introduces the topic of Diatonic Theory, or more easily, Major Scale Theory and will build a solid foundation for you and your understanding of music theory in general moving forward.
Be sure to download and print the class materials referenced in the training using the link below before beginning the course.
Click here to download the course materials
Please remember this link and all the content contained within this page are for your benefit and should not be shared with anybody. Enjoy!
Goals for this Online Course
01-IntroUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
02-Definitions Part 1Unable to view video? CLICK HERE
03-Definitions Part 2Unable to view video? CLICK HERE
04-Birth of a Major ScaleUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
05-Application: Building a Major ScaleUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
06-General RulesUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
07-QuestionsUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
08-Application: Individual StudyUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
The ball is now in your court. By watching these materials and doing the Individual Study portions of this specific course, you should gain a much needed foundational element to learning and understand music theory that most other teaching methods leave out.
If you have questions as you move through this learning course, please make a note of them by writing them down. Chances are your questions, relating to the scope of this specific course, may be answered in another section of teaching. If not, feel free to bring the question(s) to your instructor after you have watched all the above video lectures and completed the Individual Study exercise to the best of your ability. Being able to wrestle through these concepts on your own will serve you well as you grow in your musicianship.
Have fun:-)
This online course curriculum will begin teaching you how and why music works.
This course introduces the topic of Diatonic Theory, or more easily, Major Scale Theory and will build a solid foundation for you and your understanding of music theory in general moving forward.
Be sure to download and print the class materials referenced in the training using the link below before beginning the course.
Click here to download the course materials
Please remember this link and all the content contained within this page are for your benefit and should not be shared with anybody. Enjoy!
Goals for this Online Course
01-IntroUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
02-Definitions Part 1Unable to view video? CLICK HERE
03-Definitions Part 2Unable to view video? CLICK HERE
04-Birth of a Major ScaleUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
05-Application: Building a Major ScaleUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
06-General RulesUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
07-QuestionsUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
08-Application: Individual StudyUnable to view video? CLICK HERE
The ball is now in your court. By watching these materials and doing the Individual Study portions of this specific course, you should gain a much needed foundational element to learning and understand music theory that most other teaching methods leave out.
If you have questions as you move through this learning course, please make a note of them by writing them down. Chances are your questions, relating to the scope of this specific course, may be answered in another section of teaching. If not, feel free to bring the question(s) to your instructor after you have watched all the above video lectures and completed the Individual Study exercise to the best of your ability. Being able to wrestle through these concepts on your own will serve you well as you grow in your musicianship.
Have fun:-)